We all do it. We all know we shouldn’t. It’s like smoking in high school. But if you don’t fancy bum rape, here’s the facts, courtesy of the AA.

“Over the limit” is a breath alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1,000ml, or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100mg.
Our bodies can process a maximum of one unit of alcohol per hour, which constitutes 10ml of pure alcohol, based on an adult weighing 68kg. Think of it as two thirds of a beer or spirit cooler with 5% alcohol or 75ml of red or white wine per hour content an hour. If it’s whiskey or brandy, one shot an hour (so switch to whiskey then?).
Drink all the water in the Vaal dam and all the coffee in Columbia, it won’t help your blood or breathe content. Once the alcohol is in your system, it needs to be processed by the liver. This takes an hour for one unit.
Last rule: Don’t get caught!