In June 2013, I told you all about a new phone being conceptualised called the Smarter Phone. If you don’t recall, check it here.

An important device that looks, functions and is a smartphone. Except, when it breaks (a bad drop, the camera goes fuzzy or a button kicks it) you simply strip the device open, buy a replacement part and carry on regardless.

Great concept, but now it’s real.

Dave Hakkens is a gadget designer who has started a campaign to tell the world’s manufacturers that there is a need for a phone like this.

It’s called PhoneBloks, and as the name suggests, it’s a phone made up of interchangeable blocks that you can pick and choose and place on your phonepad as you need it.

This video does a spectacular job of explaining how it works and what it is.

Dave Hakkens has lined up all the companies, done the R&D and layed the foundation. Now all he needs is our help to tell these companies that this is a device that has a demand and that it is worth them getting involved and making it.

There have been few devices I’ve wanted more to see developed, but PhoneBloks fills me with a warm, humanly feeling normally reserved for my mom’s cheesecake and newborn Golden Retriever puppies.

Here’s the call to action: get on your social media platform of choice and mention this device (#phonebloks). Spread the word, get your voice out there and let it be known that we want customisable smartphones.
