Not everyone is sold on the idea of reading full books on an e-Device. You can see why. The ability to fold back the spine, feel the pages turning as you get to the end of Chapter 117 and of course the ability to safely drink a cup of coffee while you read without it costing you a few thousand bucks.

But, those turned on to e-readers do have one advantage: the ability to look up words they don’t understand pretty immediately. Well now the non-tech savvy have a tool of their own.

Simply flip up the camera and scan the word on the page you don’t understand. The Point and Click Dictionary looks up etymology, definition and synonyms and will even word it out for you from the built-in speaker.

Two things though: make sure you have your “Nerd” card on you at all times. And also a new loan on your house. $280. That’s like R3 200 after shipping.