More like converts scientific claims into #thisishorseshit! Make it work in front of my eyes and then I’ll believe it.

Call me a cynic…
That’s all, just call me a cynic.

A group of no doubt smart Scandinavian folk have come up with a set of headphones that you stick on your dog’s head and that then allow you to hear what your dog is saying. They’ve made a video about it below. However nowhere in the video do they actually show you the device working.

I’ll admit this would be some ground-breaking development if it could be made a reality. In fact this could transform “dog people” from irritating arse warts into moderately sane members of society. Just looks like there’s still a long way to go. Suppose that’s the point of their IndieGoGo campaign where you can help them research and develop their headphones to become a reality.

In their defense, they do call themselves “optimistic dreamers”. Looking forward to seeing this work.

While you’re there, make sure to check out the “Campaign to bring about world peace” and the “Make Justin Bieber not irritating” campaign.

Help them: