This is what happens to the world when you let lawyers practice medicine and tea ladies clean teeth. It all goes wrong.

Internationally renowned fashion designer Jeremy Scott who is known for his wings has partnered with Mercede Benz to design a fortwo electric car. And the back wings light up to form “avant-garde rear lights”. This ladies and gentlemen is the sexy nurse outfit of the car world. But there’s a fat, ugly chick wearing it.

“We were totally enthusiastic about the first sketches that Jeremy presented to us”, said Dr. Annette Winkler, Head of smart. But I know this really just means that the sketches came in too late and they really just wanted to announce the car in time for the LA Motor Show.

The smart forjeremy is based on the current production version of the smart fortwo electric drive. It’s got a 55 kW electric motor, accelerates from 0 – 60 km/h in 4.8 seconds, and you get a range of 145kms.