For anyone who runs a blog, you’ll know the irritation spam comments on your work bring. Such a rash! Every other day some bot visits your site to tell you how wonderful your site is (when you know it isn’t), how magnificently huge your penis is (when you and your girlfriend know it isn’t) or how helpful your post has been to their life (inspired them to start their own blog, or helped them with a school project they’ve been working on). We all know this is bullshit, but it’s nice to have the ego stroked once in a while!

Regardless, I came across one spam comment on Pulp Online that I thought I’d share with you guys. Check it:

“I may be nuts, but for the longest time I have been thinking that perhaps the most helpful thing we could do for the poor populace in Africa would be to eviscerate all the dangerous wild life.”

We’re working on it buddy! First with the rhinos! Once they’re taken care of, impalas…look out!

“Africa is full of lions, elephants, hyenas, hippos, black mambas and many other dangerous animals. All of these animals must cut people off from enormous amounts of resources as well as making life quite dangerous. How free can poor subsistence farmers innovate when even moving around the country is restricted by an open zoo?”

Bru, that’s nothing. We’ve also got tons of womanising, deceptive and corrupt politicians as well as some of the most expensive cars in the world. On the up side though, sex is free here. We call it “rape”, but you say potato, we say potato.

“I would also knock off every caymen on earth too (two legs good; four legs bad). They are a danger to children (probably not you) and dogs that the farmers might own. Think of how profitably domesticated herds could use the same vast natural resources used by useless to poor people’s wild herds and their natural predators. I am perfectly serious about this even if I might be psyhco, ill informed, or both.”

Thanks for the comment you psycho, ill-informed and both idiot!

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