Obviously bored out of their skulls with developing the same rubber sex toys for the past 50 years, Durex has decided to innovate in the form of sex underwear that reacts to the touch of your partner wherever they are in the world.

The vid is a must watch:

I’m sure you’ll agree this new innovation in the sex toy market makes the long-distance relationship a real reality.

The kit includes a bra, jocks for the man and some panties for her, all controlled over the internet through their new app. Of course hacktivists Anonymous are currently working hard on ways to hack this technology, if only for their own sick pleasure.

The underwear is studded with actuators similar to the ones found in a cellphone that make the device vibrate. There are five in each cup of the bra and six in each pair of pants. These actuators simulate the feeling of touch.

More vids: