Kickstarter is at it again, bringing the very best of the home-based gadget designer to the world’s eyeballs. And this time its Santa Monica clothing company Machina who are looking for some crowd love to bring their pretty impressive MIDI controlled musical jacket to the market.

The jacket comprises a MIDI controller which can actually be adapted to many purposes. The controller is made up of numerous sensors, all reprogrammable by the wearer. Four flexible sensors which can detect your finger’s position, one accelerometer which can detect your arm’s acceleration, a joystick and 4 push buttons.

They’re not using Oriental Plaza special material in the construction of the jackets either. They’re made up of industrial grade materials which are commonly used for other purposes (boat sails, camping tents),they are completely waterproof and hard to work with.

They’re still in need of a bit of backing on Kickstarter, so visit them here and share the love.

The vid that demos how it works: