In the latest attempt to make man even more redundant, unnecessary and bothersome than we already are, creators of the ‘B4RM4N’ smart shaker have made it so not only don’t you need to know what ingredients go into the world’s most classic and new cocktails, you don’t even need any skills to pour them either. Like literally, you’re a mindless bystander who just needs to show up and pour.

I’ll take nothing away from the ‘B4RM4N’ smart shaker, it looks beautiful, simple and clean and it definitely says what it claims to on the box. My problem with it is this: Haven’t we already lost enough of the classic arts to technology? Music, sketching, writing. Now mixing cocktails too? Soon we’ll have an app that tells you when to CALL or FOLD during a hot poker game.

The ‘B4RM4N’ shaker comes with a recipe-loaded phone app. After Bluetooth connecting your phone to the clunk of metal, you simply choose your cocktail of choice, how many people you’re trying to get drunk and then follow the instructions like a lemming without a brain. The shaker will tell you when to stop pouring.

Just thought of another downside for the men: no more pouring extra strong cocktails for the hot babe you’re trying to make relations with.

Get it (well, support it):

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