No it’s not! But see how I got you to click on the link. Smart hey?

Back to this evil, premeditated, mean prank pulled on the internet by a bunch of rich celebrities.

Tony Hawk, Christopher Lloyd and Moby (he was a guy who pushed some buttons in the 90’s) amongst other celebrities have banded together to show off a piece of technology more sought after than an elecrtic vagina or a stick that turns water into wine: the hoverboard!

In the video, numerous testimonies are made by varying celebrities (at least I think they are…no idea TBH) about the magnificence and wonder of riding and experiencing this new invention. I’m not saying they’re lying about how awesome flying around like MJ Fox in Back to the Future must be. I’m saying they’re lying about it being possible on the product they’re selling called the Huvrboard.

The internet is awash with disbelievers and a few believers too. Either way, there are going to be some very disappointed 11 year olds in the next couple of hours.

What’s the point? Not sure really. Perhaps a marketing scheme for Tony Hawk’s new video game set to launch soon. Or a tease at a new Back to the Future movie coming soon. Dunno, but if you want a really cynical take on the prank being pulled here, read this.