Product designer Joseph Perkins had designed and developed and JUST failed to secure funding on IndieGoGo for his Wireless Armour underwear, jocks that’ll protect your future babies from coming out oozing radiation. But don’t feel too badly for him as he’s also just made the list of Richard Branson’s Top 10 Back of the Envelope Start Up Ideas.

Your wireless device is going nowhere, let’s be honest. But let me tell you men reading what else is going nowhere….your sperm thanks to the escalating medical evidence linking electromagnetic radiation and infertility in men.

Enter Wireless Armour.
Making use of fiber that has a mesh of pure Silver woven into each piece, Wireless Armour have been shown to block 99.9% of the radiation emitted by wireless devices, 4G networks, voice and text waves. Even better, Silver has anti-microbial properties that keep the material cleaner and fresher for longer. Unless you shit your pants. Then you on your own.

Now armored underwear might make you feel a little uncomfortable, but what’s more impressive is the other applications that technology like this might one day be used for. Any ideas where you would like to see it used?

Get it: R300 a pair

